Hot Pink Glitter Pointer


nothing here makes sense if you can't hear the music

what is life? baby just. don’t.

1|= 1+’Z ||07 \/\/31|2|) 1’|\/| ||0+ 1||+3.-3573|)
r0lepl4ying 24/7 . pr3tens3 4rmcha1r liz4rd
c0ntr4rian idi0t . i may b3 stupid
unic0rn in the mirr0r . e4rth se3d
wrong t1me lin3 . s0ul br0s
merm4id 0n l4nd . beg1nning & the end
r4inbow and bl4ck are the only c0lors ever
b1tter phil4nthrop3 . r0m4ntic
can't th1nk 0f m0r3 cr1nge th1ng5 t0 l1st
|>|-|4|<3 5C0|2|>10
z0 ||0+|-|1||’ |-|3.-3 |\/|4|<35 53||23 |>|-|0.- |>|-|4|<3 .-3450||5
1 |||57 |_1|<3 |/.-171||’ |/0|2|)5.

copyright goes to all the voices in my head that I pretend to hear

Last Update: 10.04.2024
- with love from |24|°†0яb♡+ ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗